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#1 choice for LASIK in the Pacific Northwest

Our Patients Love Their Results

Adam Carolla Nationally Syndicated Radio and TV Personality

“King LASIK is the place to go for LASIK. King LASIK uses NASA and Naval Aviator approved Blade-FREE Intralase LASIK. What if you move your eye? Well, they offer a tracking system on their lasers that automatically shuts off if your eye is off track. Trust your eyes to King LASIK.”

Gina Jones Physician Assistant, Certified

“From my initial consult to my two-month follow-up today, I have been impressed with all the staff at King LASIK. As a healthcare provider, I want to be certain the care I receive is top-notch, and it is! It was so incredible to wake up the morning after my procedure and run with my dog, […]

Dan Dickau NBA player

“Having clear eye sight is amazing to me. I see better now than I did with contacts. I always had dry eyes and was uncomfortable with contacts in and I didn’t like the look or feel of glasses. I am excited about how my upcoming season will go with “new eyes.” I wish I had […]

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There are a numerous types of laser eye surgeries that treat various conditions. If you have one of the three most common vision problems – myopia, hyperopia, or an astigmatism – then it is likely that you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. At King LASIK, we perform custom LASIK, a procedure that can completely eliminate these conditions as well as several specific complications to them.

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK is to get a free consultation appointment. However, you should also review the specific characteristics that influence whether or not a person is likely to be a viable LASIK candidate.

What Is LASIK?

Over the years, LASIK eye surgery has become one of the most popular vision correction procedures; for many people, the LASIK surgery procedure greatly reduces their dependence on corrective eyewear. Imagine waking up without the need to look for your glasses or fumble with your contact lenses. More than five million people have achieved that through LASIK eye surgery.

Contact our office to schedule your FREE LASIK consultation. We treat LASIK patients throughout the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada.

About King LASIK

Experience, expertise, and outstanding customer service all form the core of King LASIK’s guiding philosophy. As a state-of-the-art practice, King LASIK manages all of its Portland and Seattle LASIK Eye Surgery Centers with great attention to detail and quality. The practice’s lead surgeon – Dr. Joseph King – is a highly-experienced LASIK provider who has helped thousands of patients receive clear vision without glasses.

We love what we do and enjoy helping our patients realize exceptional vision without the need for corrective lenses!