Toys Not Suitable for Children
Every year around the Holidays, WATCH (World Against Toys Causing Harm) releases its annual list of the `10 Most Dangerous Toysā€™ currently in stores. This year, their list includes as many as 7 toys that pose grave risks of eye injury and vision loss among children.

Please be aware of these popular but dangerous toys that are currently on sale in most toy stores in the USA. Share this information on your social media network to warn other parents who may buy or receive these very toys as Christmas gifts this year.

1. Slimeball Slinger

By Diggin Active

Slimeball SlingerThis target practice play pack has a `slimeball launcherā€™ that looks like a slingshot. The aim is to shoot green `slimeballsā€™ at a super-sticky target, and the balls can be fired over 30 ft. The age recommendation isĀ `6 and olderā€™. The pack comes with the warning: `Never shoot at any person or animalā€™. The overwhelming risks of giving a small child a potential weapon for grave eye injury like this are pretty self-evident.

2. Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 Blaster

By Nerf (Hasbro)

Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 BlasterThe toy assault gun that ā€œarms children for head-to-head competition”, shoots balls in 7 high-impact rounds. The ā€œeasy-load magazineā€ makes sure the battle is quick and fierce, and the ammunition provided has enough force to cause very serious eye injury. The packaging and advertising for this toy assault product show kids wearing protective masks over their face and eyes, but these accessories are not included in the purchase. You have to buy them separately. Manufacturerā€™s age recommendation is: 14 and up. Would you trust your 14-year-old and his friend with it?

3. Banzai Bump Nā€™ Bounce Body Bumpers

By Banzai (Toyquest)

Banzai Bump Nā€™ Bounce Body BumpersThese body-bumpers are inflatable suits that cover the wearer from neck to the knee, with openings for the arms to go through. The idea is that when kids run into something, or deliberately collide with each other, they will bounce back. Recommended for 4-12 year olds. This rough-and-tumble game poses grave risks of head and eye injuries, especially as the suit interferes with a kidā€™s ability to resist a bad fall. No face-protecting safety accessory included.

4. Flying Heroes Superman Launcher

By I-Star Entertainment

Flying Heroes Superman Launcherā€œGrip it and rip it!ā€ says the manufacturer about this hand-held launcher that shoots the plastic figure of a winged Superman high into the air. The packaging warns 4-year-olds never to aim the whirling Superman at anybodyā€™s eyes or face, which points to the very probable danger of corneal abrasion and other eye injuries from the Superman with flapping wings flying too close to the eye.

5. The Good Dinosaur Galloping Butch

By Tomy

The Good Dinosaur Galloping ButchThis rugged T-Rex is marketed as a ā€œRustlerā€™s worst nightmareā€. Press a button and the dino starts to gallop, just like in the movie. Its jaw opens in a biting action and the creature can roar and make 8 sounds. All very good, until you notice how long, hard and pointy the dinoā€™s tail is. Imagine giving your 3-year-old child a toy that is an eye injury waiting to happen!

6. Warcraft Doomhammer

By Jakks Pacific Inc.

Warcraft DoomhammerBased on weaponry in the Warcraft movie, 6-year-olds can now ā€œdedicate to the power of the hordeā€ with this legendary doomhammer. The manufacturers only warn of choking hazard in the packaging because of small parts. But as a parent, you know how dangerous this iconic hammer can be once your child, inspired by the movie, launches into a passionate battle with other kids.

7. Baby Magic Feed and Play Baby

By Baby Magic

Baby Magic Feed and Play BabyThis cute doll plays peek-a-boo. Squeeze her left foot and she will cover her face with a blanket. She comes with her own feeding chair, interactive spoon, feeding dish, and baby bottle. When you place the interactive spoon to the baby’s mouth she makes eating sounds. And the hazard is in this interactive spoon. Recommended for 2-year-old kids and up, the spoon is always at risk to go into the mouth, causing choking, and in the eyes, causing dangerous eye injuries.