What Eyes Say About Overall Health
When it comes to your overall health, the eyes don’t lie. The way they look and function can leave clues to what is going on in the rest of your body. Here are some clues to look for, and what they may mean about your general health.

Achy, Bloodshot Eyes

While bloodshot eyes now and then can signal a late night out or one too many gin and tonics, eyes that feel achy and appear bloodshot for several days may be a sign of inflammation in other parts of the body. These symptoms may be caused by eye conditions like conjunctivitis (or “pink eye”), corneal ulcers, acute glaucoma and uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of tissue in the eyewall). They could also point to other overall conditions that may be present in the body, including hypertension, diabetes and liver disease.

Red Spots

A red spot in the white area of the eye is caused by a subconjuntival hemorrhage, or tiny blood vessels in the eye bursting. While this can happen as a result of sneezing, bending over, vomiting or otherwise straining the head or upper body in some way, it can also be symptomatic of other issues like diabetes. When a person has diabetes, the blood vessels in their eyes can swell up and burst due to high blood sugar levels.

Gray Ring around Cornea

If you see a gray, or whitish, ring around the cornea (or transparent layer) of your eye, this may be a sign of high cholesterol and triglycerides. The appearance of this ring, termed arcus senilis, in the eyes of people under 40 years of age may point to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. If you notice this eye condition, have a blood test to check for high cholesterol levels and other complications.

Cloudy Eye

If you notice that your vision is blurry and one or both eyes have a cloudy, milky appearance, this is usually a sign of cataracts. A cataract occurs when the lens inside the eye becomes clouded and may impair your vision. Though cataracts are often a result of aging, in younger people they may occur due to health factors such as diabetes or an inherited genetic disorder.

Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly

Many eye diseases don’t come with symptoms, or the disease can’t be detected by the naked or untrained eye. Regular eye exams by a trained ophthalmologist can help detect certain diseases in their early stages. To schedule a complimentary eye exam, call King LASIK today at (877) 551-2020.