New Location in Vancouver

Is LASIK Eye Surgery Risky For Sportsmen?

COMMIT TO THE RECOVERY TIME, OR DON’T GET LASIK AT ALL If you’re an athlete, or play a lot of any kind of sport, `elective’ surgery is a decision you cannot take lightly. Too much depends on optimal health and fitness for you to go and mess it all up with an operation...

Top 10 American Cities That are Bad for The Eyes

AMERICAN CITIES THAT MAY HARM YOUR EYES Geography and climate have such an enormous impact on eye health. Some of the most scenic places in United States – cities that look pristine, fresh and clean all year round — can leave you with allergies, irritations and...

Thinking of Wearing Contact Lenses While on The Pill? Bad Idea!

CORRELATION BETWEEN CONTACT LENSES AND BIRTH CONTROL PILLS Whoever thought there could be a correlation between contact lenses and your birth control pills? But this correlation certainly exists – so much so that some oral contraceptive manufacturers are especially...

Is Reading While Lying Down Bad for The Eyes?

PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE A topic about eye health that’s currently doing the rounds in social media is reading while lying down. Rumor has it that some research studies have proved a connection between this common habit and permanent eye damage. And concerned people are...

Top 10 American Cities That Promote Good Eye Health

AMERICA’S EYE-HEALTHY CITY If you are one of the 166 million Americans in need of vision correction, or extremely prone to allergies and other weather-induced irritants, the environment you live in will have an enormous impact on your eyes. Here are some useful...