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Old-Fashioned Optometrist Humor To Keep You Smiling Until Next Year

LET’S RAISE A TOAST TO YESTERDAY’S ACHIEVEMENTS AND TOMORROW’S BRIGHTER FUTURE! This is King Lasik’s last blog for 2016, and since nobody’s in a mood to talk much about eye health right now – us included – we decided to do a mixed bag of optometrist retro humor to...

Bloodshot Eyes From Too Much Alcohol? (Post-party Remedies)

REMEDIES FOR BLOODSHOT EYES Is the whirlwind of year-end parties, late nights and the season’s celebratory drinking leaving you with puffy, bloodshot eyes the morning after? If so, you need to read this article before you go out on the town again, because we’ll tell...

Traditional Holiday Desserts For Diabetics

DIABETIC PUDDINGS, PIES, AND COOKIES 1. Diabetic Christmas Pudding •  A no-sugar Chtistmas pudding with carrots and apples to keep it moist and cinnamon and mixed spice to warm it up nicely Ingredients: 125g plain flour 125g fresh white breadcrumbs 25g shredded...

How To Prepare Diabetic-Friendly Drinks For Christmas

DIABETIC-FRIENDLY DRINKS Who doesn’t love a hostess who knows how to put on a sumptuous table for Christmas? Who except diabetic guests, that is, because they’re pretty much invited to salivate at the rich, creamy dishes, puddings and pies without being able to sample...

7 Easy Home Remedies For Bright, Beautiful, Party-Ready Eyes

EASY HOME REMEDIES With all the sprucing, cleaning, decorating, baking, shopping and gift-wrapping that’s going on right now, it’s hard to remember sometimes that December is supposed to be the joyful month of the year. And the main event – Christmas –is not even here...

Break the Bad Habit of Ignoring your Eyes During Winter

FACTS ABOUT WINTER DRY EYES SYNDROME One part of our body that receives the worst of winter weather is our eyes. And yet, while we take care to hydrate our skin with winter creams and wear chapstick to prevent cracking and flaking of our lips, the eyes are neglected...

10 Ways To Donate The Gift Of Vision These Holidays

MAKE SOMEONE SMILE BY GIVING THEM THE GIFT OF VISION It’s Holidays, the season of giving. While we’re all busy with shopping lists and choosing gifts for family and loved ones, there are others in our neighborhood, in our community, in our planet, who won’t be having...